Tanger x UUUUU
Tanger x UUUUU
Tanger x UUUUU
Tanger x UUUUU
Tanger x UUUUU
Tanger x UUUUU

Tanger x UUUUU

$ 206.06
$ 206.06
  • Made with recycled Material

  • Vegan

  • Patented Technology

  • Free shipping over $50

  • International shipping - DHL





Tanger está dirigido por YUJIN, director creativo y famoso influencer.
Muchos influencers adoran el estilo sexy y moderno de Tanger, la chica de California.

Eche un vistazo a La colaboración de Tanger y uuuuu funciona ahora mismo.


  • 32 tiras de gel para uñas
  • 2 almohadillas de preparación
  • Lima de uñas
  • Palo de madera

    ¿Qué es UUUUU Gel Nail?
    UUUUU Gel Nail es un nuevo tipo de uña de gel que está hecho del gel real que se cura hasta solo un 50 %, por lo que se puede usar fácilmente en cualquier uña.
    Después de curar el resto del 50 % con una lámpara de gel UV, el gel se endurece por completo como el esmalte de uñas de gel real.

    Es bueno saberlo
    - Gel 100 % real 
    - No tóxico, libre de BPA y DMF
    - Libre de crueldad animal
    - Fácil de aplicar y quitar
    - Producto de género neutral

    ¿Cómo aplicar?

    01. Limpia el aceite y la humedad de tus uñas.

    Lávese las manos y use la almohadilla de preparación para asegurarse de que sus uñas estén limpias y secas.
    * El sudor, la humedad, la crema de manos y el aceite en las uñas pueden reducir la adherencia de la uña de gel UUUUU.

    02. Elige el tamaño.

    Elija una tira de gel que se ajuste al tamaño de su uña y quite la película transparente.

    03. Aplica la uña de gel UUUUU.

    Aplica la tira de gel UUUUU ligeramente separada de la línea de la cutícula.
    * Comprueba la dirección de la cutícula que se indica en la tira.

    04. Compruebe la curva en U.

    Presione firmemente los bordes para completar la curva en U. Ayudará a que la uña de gel UUUUU dure más y evitará que el cabello se enganche.

    05. Recortar (Limar).

    Usa el cortaúñas para cortar las sobras.

    06. Curado.

    Se recomienda curar de 1 a 3 veces para la lámpara de gel UV LED
    * Cuando la uña de gel UUUUU está perfectamente curada, se vuelve resistente, retentiva y brillante.

    1. Clean your Nail

    2. Apply the gel Nail

    3. Check U-curve

    4. Cut off the extra
    5. Curing
    6. Trimming (Filing)
    7. Top coat
    8. Curing again
    Wash your hands and use the prep pad to make sure your nails are clean and dry.

    * Sweat, moisture, hand cream, oil on your nails can reduce adhesion of the UUUUU Gel nail.

    Choose a gel strip that fits your nail size and remove the clear film. Apply the gel strip slightly apart from the cuticle line.

    * Please check the cuticle direction stated on the strip.

    Firmly press the edges to complete the U-Curve. It will help the UUUUU gel nail to last longer and prevent hair from getting caught.
    Use any tool off the excess, make sure you leave some around the nail edge.

    It is recommended to cure 1 ~ 3 times for UV LED Gel lamp.

    * When the UUUUU Gel nail is perfectly cured, it becomes sturdy, retentive and shiny.

    Use the nail clipper to trim the leftovers.

    Carefully add a topcoat to enhance shine and ensure long-lasting results.

    * Make sure to apply it to the nail tips as well to prevent gel nails from lifting and to extend their durability.

    It helps solidify the topcoat, providing the gel nails with a polished and refined appearance.

    1. Clean your nails

    Wash your hands and use the prep pad to make sure your nails are clean and dry.

    * Sweat, moisture, hand cream, oil on your nails can reduce adhesion of the UUUUU Gel nail.

    2. Apply the gel Nail

    Choose a gel strip that fits your nail size and remove the clear film. Apply the gel strip slightly apart from the cuticle line.

    * Please check the cuticle direction stated on the strip.

    3. Check U-curve

    Firmly press the edges to complete the U-Curve. It will help the UUUUU gel nail to last longer and prevent hair from getting caught.

    4. Cut off the extra

    Use any tool off the excess, make sure you leave some around the nail edge.

    5. Curing

    It is recommended to cure 1 ~ 3 times for UV LED Gel lamp.

    * When the UUUUU Gel nail is perfectly cured, it becomes sturdy, retentive and shiny.

    6. Trimming (Filing)

    Use the nail clipper to trim the leftovers.

    7. Top coat

    Carefully add a topcoat to enhance shine and ensure long-lasting results.

    * Make sure to apply it to the nail tips as well to prevent gel nails from lifting and to extend their durability.

    8. Curing again

    It helps solidify the topcoat, providing the gel nails with a polished and refined appearance.


    Customer Reviews

    Based on 11 reviews

    여름에 넘 잘어울리는 디자인이에요! 시럽이 한콧 깔려있어서 손도 깔끔해보이고 흰색 프렌치는 진리잖아요 classic is the best


    프렌치 아랫부분이 완전 투명이 아니라 더 깔끔해보이고 좋아요! 처음엔 검정색으로 디자인 되어있는게 촌스럽다고 생각했는데 막상 손에 해보니 시원해보이고 힙한느낌 ㅋㅋㅋ 여름에하기 좋은 것 같아요 맘에들어요!!


    디자인은 좋은데 가장자리 마감이 스티커인게 너무 티나요ㅜ 그리고 새끼손톱 폭이 너무 좁습니다


    붙이는 네일 처음 써보는데 예뻐요!!!

    (2021-10-21 12:02:35 에 등록된 네이버 페이 구매평)